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Terms & Conditions

Users must act in accordance with all applicable laws and the EIN terms of use.

Below is a limited list of goods, services, and content prohibited on EIN:

- Weapons; firearms/guns and components; stun grenade, bullet, lead pellet, and such
- Ammunition, magazine, cartridges, explosives
- Dangerous and unsafe material such as unsanitized bedding and/clothing
- Unpackaged or adulterated food or cosmetics; alcohol or tobacco
- Bestiality or solicitation of illegal prostitution or human trafficking
- Endangered, protected species and any parts of that
- Libellous, threatening, or malicious postings or emails
- Anyone’s confidential or proprietary information
- Stolen property, property with serial number erased/changed, break-in items
- ID cards, licences, police batch, government documents, and such.
- Pirated items, gambling items
- Postings or emails intending to drive traffic to a website
- Postings or emails offering, promoting, or linking to uninvited products or services
- Attach or connect marketing; network, or multi-level marketing; pyramid schemes